If you misplaced your key or had it stolen or damaged, you will certainly need to replace it in order to get back into your vehicle. This new blank Volkswagen MKII Un-Cut Key will get you back into your vehicle, while at the same time saving you money over dealer pricing.
Replacement keys can cost you an arm and a leg at the dealer, as they overcharge for cutting and for the key itself. With this key from Volkswagen of America Group and ECS Tuning, you can save money, while getting the same quality part.
This part was manufactured by Genuine Volkswagen / Audi, the same company that designed and produced your vehicle. What does this mean for you? Simply put, these parts were designed to fit your vehicle and in most cases, these parts were attached to your vehicle when it left the showroom, so you can be sure of proper fitment without hassle. On top of that, each part was produced with the best quality assurance possible.